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Tom Incledon Reveals Why Extending Your Options Can Open Doors – Episode 29

Thomas Incledon, PhD, is a world renowned scientist in the fields of anti-aging medicine and natural hormone therapy since 1989.

Tom is also the CEO of Human Performance Specialists, Inc. and Human Health Specialists where he helps individuals from all walks of life optimize their health, quality of life, and athletic performance.

Life Intrudes

  • In the early 90s, as Tom was training for the Olympics, he got very sick, losing 25 – 30 pounds in about 3 or 4 days. He was eventually admitted to the ER. The doctor refused to treat him with antibiotics so Tom asked for a second doctor, getting the prescription he needed. Within 2 hours, he was getting better. That was the catalyst for him to question the one-size-fits-all model of healthcare.

Big Breakthrough

  • Tom credits a lot of people much smarter than him that he learned from early on. He got involved with the Strategic Coach program early on and it helped him to think differently about the possibilities.


  • Tom is most passionate about helping patients understand there are more options available to them than what they’ve been told. He enjoys bringing hope to people who’ve been led to believe they have none.

App of the Day

Book of the Day

Insight of the Day

  • Health requires planning and consistency. Don’t stick with the same thing too long


John’s 3 Key Take-aways

  1. We must learn to manage our energy, meaning, you must take your health seriously
  2. Be consistent!
  3. Do not underestimate the importance of sleep

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Read the Transcript

You can download a complete transcript of this entire episode by clicking here.