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Patricia Fripp Inspires Entrepreneurs to Take Action with Effective Communication – Episode 78

Want to know how to always keep your audience engaged and wanting more? Professional speaker and speech coach, Patricia Fripp, reveals how to differentiate yourself and become a leader in your industry using clear effective communication. Increase your client base through crafting messages that are undeniably profound and distinctive attention grabbers.

Described recently as “One of the top 10 most electrifying speakers in North America” and recognized as the first female president of the National Speaker’s Association, Patricia explains how communication both within and on behalf of your business is crucial. In this interview five key concepts are outlined that—if practiced properly—will undoubtedly change your life and your business.

Book of the Day

Insight of the Day

  • Don’t concentrate on making a lot of money; rather, concentrate on becoming the type of person with whom you want to do business.



John’s 3 Key Take-aways

  1. Starting well is important. Recognize that you are not the most interesting thing in the room; they are. Go ahead and engage the audience right from the start with the clear understanding of what’s in it for them.
  2. Have structure: You know when you are working with a true professional who has that framing and structure you are seeking—and takes you through the steps effortlessly.
  3. Connect on an emotional level— perhaps with a personal story—then follow with a structured, logical presentation. And get specific.

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