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Shannon Waller on Taking Your Confidence, Capability and Productivity to the Next Level – Episode 27

Shannon’s passionate belief in entrepreneurs and their teams is clear in all she does.

Shannon Waller’s biggest goal as a coach is to help people make dramatic jumps in their confidence, capability, and productivity—and do it quickly.

Her approach is to look for what’s really going on, and then find the simplest, most effective ways to make things the best they can be

Equally important is to do this compassionately, so each individual fully enjoys the progress they’re making and the results they’ve created.

Life Intrudes

  • While selling Strategic Coach, Shannon learned there was a really important connection needed between what entrepreneurs were doing at Strategic Coach and their team members. In the early stages, this communication was lacking.

Big Breakthrough

  • Shannon realized that, without communication and without clarity on the direction the entrepreneurs were going in, the team had no chance of helping.


  • Shannon’s newest project is her next book, Multiplication by Subtraction. It’s a book about identifying team members that are winners, ones that are okay, and ones that are doing you harm. Entrepreneurs avoid confrontation. One of the worst kinds of confrontation to avoid is failing to address a team member that is doing harm to your company.

App of the Day

Book of the Day

Insight of the Day

Know what your unique ability is, know what your passion is, know what you’re best at. Do only that. And then surround yourself with people who are unique at everything you’re not.


John’s 3 Key Take-aways

  1. Share, share, share…NO SECRETS
  2. 10X thinking, as opposed to incremental growth
  3. Understanding the characteristics of the right teammates.

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You can download a complete transcript of this entire episode by clicking here.